아두이노 우노 R3 개발 보드 (USB 포함)
-.아두이노 우노 R3 호환보드 / -.아두이노 보드중 가장 기본적인 호환보드 / -.기능,성능, 사용법은 이탈리아산 보드와 동일 / -. 본 보드는 호환보드 이므로 별도의 드라이버 설치후 사용하세요(구글검색) / -.수입처에 따라 DIP핀 이 포함되지 않을수 있습니다
- 설명
- 제품사양
- 반품/교환 안내
– 1x UNO R3 MEGA328P
– 1x USB Cable
Hereby declare:
In the same performance guarantee UNO R3and master chip ATMEGA328P-AU same premise, We replaced the USB chip,Improved download speed, Increase the stability of the win7 win8.but it does not support MAC
1 download for duino ‘s IDE
2 USB chip driver download;
3 Plug UNO R3 development board, the driver will automatically install
4 Select the card inside the die UNO R3
5 Select the COM port that my computer can query your UNO R3 board just inside the port
6 best first choice , for duino own routine procedures , burn inside.
Advantages :
1. a completely solve the traditional UNO R3 board is not compatible with win7 and win8 system instability above .
2. increase the pin socket , to facilitate the use of DuPont line.
3 . Replaced 16u2, so the cost is reduced by half, to get the maximum benefit consumers4